How to Be Effective?

How To Be Effective
February 2012 (Ph.D. student)

As I approach the end of my Ph.D. career, I’m reflecting on how I was able to get more and better work done than many of my peers without stressing nearly as much. I made it through K-12, college, and a Ph.D. program while losing very little sleep.

Here are some habits that have made me more effective than people who are often smarter than I am. In the long run, good work habits – consistently applied over time – are far more important than so-called “natural intelligence” or “aptitude”.

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Things About Apple and FBI

最近,美帝爆发了一件官告民的事件 -“FBI控告Apple”,引起了轩然大波。

  1. 事件起因:在美帝一个小镇去年发生了一件恐怖袭击,美国FBI获取了恐怖分子的一部Apple 5C的手机,但是由于手机设有开机密码,无法打开,想请Apple开一个后门,解开密码。经过两个月的谈判,Apple坚持不开,于是

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I Have Read Lots of Books but Forgotten Most of Them. What's the Purpose of Reading?

long long ago, a old farmer and his grandchild lived in a farm that was moutain around.
every morning, the old man got up early, sit on the kitch’s desk and readed a Bible.

An old farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson.
Each morning grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his holy book.

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How Does China’s Family-Oriented Culture Impact the Role of Women in Chinese Society?

This answer come from Paul Denlinger ,ref link,
He made sense, so I decide to thanslate it to chinese, enjoy it.

Women have always played leading roles in managing Chinese families, especially when it comes to budget and children’ education.
You can learn something just from the language: the traditional polite term for wife used by men/husbands in traditional times was 内人 which can be translated into “domestic or inside” person.
Many Europeans and Americans assumed that this just meant that the wife was the domestic person.
What the Chinese didn’t tell the Europeans and Americans was that the “domestic person” had control over all household finances, and that Chinese had handed over this responsibility to women many generations ago.
It was white European and American women who had no power over family finances, or even their own finances!
When dealing with outside (non-family) members, the women were expected to show proper deference and respect to the men of the household for their opinions, and not steal the limelight, or show them up anyway.
But these were just social rules. The men knew what was going on.

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Who Controls Your Facebook Feed?

Today, I heard one episode podcast named ITgonglun 187, they mentioned
a article Who Controls Your Facebook Feed
about Facebook’s NewsFeed,it sounds interesting,So i translated it into Chinese.
背景:Facebook’s NewsFeed:相当于wechat(微信)的朋友圈 + 公众号,由于Facebook没有公众号的限制(一天只能发一条),所有的事件都放在

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